Efficacy and Effects of Garlic Powder

2022/10/25 15:51

Garlic powder, a powder prepared by adding a carrier through allicin oil. Garlic is a natural plant broad-spectrum antibacterial agent. Garlic contains about 2% of allicin, which is 1/10 of penicillin and has obvious inhibiting and killing effects on many pathogenic bacteria such as staphylococcus, meningitis, pneumonia, streptococcus and diphtheria, dysentery, typhoid, paratyphoid, tuberculosis bacillus and vibrio cholerae.

▸ Efficacy and effects

Clearing the plague, detoxifying the toxin, promoting blood circulation and resolving blood stasis

▸ Nutritional value

Garlic powder contains antioxidant properties similar to those of vitamin E and vitamin C, which can thin out blood that has become sticky from smoking and drinking.

▸ How to eat 

Garlic powder is suitable for fish and meat dishes, fish removal, western-style soups, seasoned salads, pasta, steak sauce, fried garlic condiments, pesto bread, etc.

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